Who are we?

Sociedad Anónima Trabajos y Obras (SATO) is one of the most experienced construction companies in Spain, particularly in maritime and port projects. It has been working steadily on all its commissions since 1927.
As an OHLA subsidiary since 1997, SATO has focused its tasks and resources on maritime projects, leading their sector by taking part in major structures in Spain.
SATO has backed an intensely and specifically trained team of workers plus continued investment in its equipment, allowing them to tackle any type of project with full guarantees. Its own technical capability and backing from a major construction and service group mean that it can take on the most ambitious projects both in Spain and abroad.
The sea’s very features mean that specialization is fundamental to make the business effective. This specialization, along with an attempt to constantly go one better and complete all jobs to the best of their ability has led SATO to head up R+D+i projects within OHLA, aware that research and development on own techniques are crucial in our sector.
Its technical capability, specialization and resources make SATO a leading company in port infrastructures.